I made it to Stockholm last Thursday after a nine-hour layover im Toronto, Canada and a 45-minute layover in Ryekyavik, Iceland. I was surprised that my first idea of Stockholm was unhelpful people. I spent nearly two hours trying to find a phone to call the guy who was supposed to host me through CouchSurfing. Though the locals all spoke English fluently, they were very unhelpful. I couldn't find a payphone anywhere, the businesses around wouldn't let me use their phones, and the locals did likewise, though I offerred to pay to use them. Eventually, I was able to use a phone in a public library after saying it was an emergency, and I met up with my CouchSurfing host. Since he was a masters student and had been there since last fall, he was able to show me a lot of great things in Stockholm. We even went to an Indian temple there for a traditional southern Indian meal. I also took the time to visit several museums and got my picture taken with a Salvador Dali and a Pablo Picasso. I also walked much more than I thought I could in a day (which would later prove to be wrong - they really know how to walk in Europe). The last day, before boarding my RyanAir flight to Pisa, I grabbed some Swedish fish, which they actually do make now.
(Since I didn't bring my laptop to Europe this summer, as I am living literally out of a backpack, I don't have any pictures up yet.)
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